Mushy's Poems

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Spirit of God

O Man, How much drowned are you in your own ignorance?

For you threw away God’s love in the Garbage dump.

Had you no shame then?

Throw away your scriptures, burn them all.

For God has no need for them or you.

Pull out your hearts, as they are mere stones now.

You do Jihad in the name of God.

You burn places and books where God’s name is spoken.

You kill women, children for your oppression.

You call your brothers Kafir as if you were the truth.

But worst of all, you threw away the breath of life.

Had you no sense then?

O Bulleh, The lover of my God.

The bride of my lord.

They threw away your body, like waste from their own.

O Man, Who taught you the means of the pen?

Who taught you of which you did not know?

But most of All, Who taught you, love?

O Bulleh, The love of my God.

The closest to my lord.

In you we found God.

Now we are so far.

For where will humanity find another Bulleh Shah.

Monday, December 03, 2007

The Martyr

I go now into the wilderness

That is where my fate lies.

A martyr of love I am.

Many have come seeking your beauty

But now even time has come too.

All the lies will be exposed,

All that is the truth shall fade.

None of them are martyrs, nor brave enough.

Neither shall they shed their blood

But are cowards among women.

Ask me my love, for a thousand wars are for you.

It is not mere emotions I feel,

But the hunger of love.

I bear witness that there is no God but Allah

But it is you whom I love.