Mushy's Poems

Monday, January 14, 2008


Sink Deep,

Sink so deep in my Breath that you become my Oxygen.

Sink so deep in my Heart that you become my Blood.

Sink so deep in my Mind that you become my Thought.

Sink so deep in my Eyes that you become my Sight.

Sink so deep in my Body that you become my Soul.

Sink so deep in my Words that you become my Poetry.

Sink so deep in my Dreams that you become my Reality.

Sink so deep in my World that you become my Universe.

Sink so deep in my Feeling that you become my Love.

Sink so deep in me that we become One.

*Sink means: to become engulfed or to be deeply absorbed

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Men Always try to be more Manly.
They fight the weak,
They fight the women,
As they have Authority of Some God?

They want Paradise,
They want virgins,
The Lust, the wine as Promised from Some God?

The Weak, Why are you blinded by your Faith?
How much more Abuse will you take?

Be true to yourself and true to your Heart.
Fight back the wicked Man, for he is not a God.

Do not call me

Do not call me a Martyr.
Do not call me a Kafir.
If I dont die in the name of my love.
Do not call me anything at all.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Spirit of God

O Man, How much drowned are you in your own ignorance?

For you threw away God’s love in the Garbage dump.

Had you no shame then?

Throw away your scriptures, burn them all.

For God has no need for them or you.

Pull out your hearts, as they are mere stones now.

You do Jihad in the name of God.

You burn places and books where God’s name is spoken.

You kill women, children for your oppression.

You call your brothers Kafir as if you were the truth.

But worst of all, you threw away the breath of life.

Had you no sense then?

O Bulleh, The lover of my God.

The bride of my lord.

They threw away your body, like waste from their own.

O Man, Who taught you the means of the pen?

Who taught you of which you did not know?

But most of All, Who taught you, love?

O Bulleh, The love of my God.

The closest to my lord.

In you we found God.

Now we are so far.

For where will humanity find another Bulleh Shah.

Monday, December 03, 2007

The Martyr

I go now into the wilderness

That is where my fate lies.

A martyr of love I am.

Many have come seeking your beauty

But now even time has come too.

All the lies will be exposed,

All that is the truth shall fade.

None of them are martyrs, nor brave enough.

Neither shall they shed their blood

But are cowards among women.

Ask me my love, for a thousand wars are for you.

It is not mere emotions I feel,

But the hunger of love.

I bear witness that there is no God but Allah

But it is you whom I love.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

May the Angels..

May the world go Silent,
For All to hear your words,
and even the Deaf could hear,
As If God himself spoke through you.

For you are not meer flesh and bones.
For you have thoughts, desires, emotions
and above all, a beautiful mind.
To think beyond reason and reason beyond the thoughts.

You are beautiful.
You are beautiful beyond meer words
which could describe you,
but your beauty is not of time,
For time wears away the beauty
like the sea wears away the cliffs on the shore.
For your beauty is eternal.

May the Angels worship your every step
in this world as if you had brought
heaven down on earth
and given life to the dead.

For all to know and all to feel
your heart. For it not meer blood it holds
but it Also holds Love for me.

For May I never Die in your heart,
For it has given life to me.

Monday, May 14, 2007

If I die Tomorrow will you remember me..
What will you remember..
How great I was or how caring I was..

You will fill the room with lies..
You will fill the minds with lies..
And in the End say, He is gone to a better place.

Yes to my grave I will go,
No heaven, No hell, and No God to come..
But will rotten like decay..

Just remember once, that I was life..
And be Happy and Praise for it..
Even if it was here for a short period of time..

I am the creator that make the sound,
for the universe to hear..
That I am Life and I am here..

From the bitter cold I found you..
Aloner traveller in this world..
For whos path was unknown..
Who hope was lost..

I have put you in the warmt of my heart now..
No fear, No pain shall every touch you again..
Full of joy.. Full of hope I will fill your life..
For no bitterness will even come close..

From the poison in you heart
I will fill it once again with love..
You will never be lonely.. and either me..
So stay.. give me hope.. let me give you hope.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sometimes I looked for you here, and some times there.
To have your sight I’ve been ruined and I’ve seacrhed everywhere.
The dear ones vanished, but No one got a lead to you.
You are not, yet you are at every place.

you are a puzzle

With what splendour you can be seen in every speck
But the mind is puzzled what you look like and what you are, You are a puzzle

I looked for you in the houses of worship, but couldn’t find you
Yet I found you residing in my heart

you are a puzzle.

He who is lost in your love, is He rewarded?
You could not be found, either in a temple or Ka’bah
But you could be found in a broken heart
Sometimes you are hidden as non-existence and somewhere you appear as existence.
If you are not then why deny?
Even the negation confirms your existence, the one I call my Existence who is that if not you?
If you didn’t come in my thoughts
Then how did I learn you are God?

You are a puzzle.

What puzzles me is who and what are You.
You’re an idol when You come by and if not then You are God.
How did the one who entered wisdom could become Everlasting?
How did one who comes into mind’s grasp become God.
The philosopher doesn’t find God in an argument,
He is trying to untangle the cord but cannot find the top.
You are a puzzle You don’t hide,
You don’t show Yourself You show the manifestation but don’t show Yourself
You don’t remove the conflicts of the manner of worship
You don’t reveal the exact things, I’m surprised how You accommodated in my heart?
When the two worlds are not enough for You
You are in the houses of worship, You are faithless for not showing Your countenance

You are a puzzle

The puzzle taken strange possession of my heart, A confused picture it’s drawn within it
I do not understand what all this puzzle is, What is this game You’ve been playing since the beginning of time
You made the soul the prisoner of the body’s Cage and then put the guard of death on it ‘
You make the bird of contrivance fly ‘ yet you’ve spread the net of fate everywhere
For years you adorned the world and hereafter, yet you have also made the plan of destruction though
you claim to be homeless, Yet you preached about home, kith and kin this is bad, this good, this is hell, this is heaven
Please tell me what is in this perplexity?

For Adam’s crime you punish his children, is that the standard of your justice?
By giving the earthly vicegerency to the man, you have made it into a spectacle
For Your own recognition you created all But you hide yourself from all

You are a puzzle

You draw and erase yourself
I don’t know which crime of desire you punish us
Sometimes you’ll turn a pebble into a diamond
Other times you’ll turn a diamond into dust

The one who revived many dead, You made him to adorn the crucifix

The one that longed to have your sight on the Mount Sinai
You reduced the Mount to ashes with the Lightning of your Manifestation

You wished Abraham to be thrown into Nimrud’s
Fire then you turned that fire into flowers yourself

Sometimes you throw a Canaanite into the well of Canaanites
And then deprive Jacob of his sight

You make Joseph to be put into the slave-mart of Egypt
And then you also make the king of Egypt

when someone reaches to the destination of higher spirituality
You make him to voice: I’m the Truth

Then allow the verdicts of infidelity against
Him, you send yourself Mansoor to the crucifix
One day he too loses his life Whom You make to see Your sight

If a Ranjha goes in Your quest
You make him in the charity of Jhang

If some Majnun goes in Your quest
You make him a beloved of some Laila

If Your love awakens in Sassi’s heart, You scorch her in a burning desert

If Sohni imagined you as her Mahinval
You drowned her into the ragging currents

You do as You wish by summoning to the Heaven And in a single night You can make the Prophet’s Accession to Heaven

You are a puzzle.

You’re Your Veil.

you are a puzzle.

I accept what I say You mind it a little But still I’ve a little complaint to make.
You sat quiet on your Throne and watched Muhammad’s grandson the scorching desert of Karbala
How he was giving his blood for Your Love though he was thirsty for three days.
His enemies were after all enemies, but it’s sad even you didn’t provide him with a little Water.
Every favour of oppression is the inheritance of the oppressor
But the oppressed is neither consoled nor comforted.
Yesterday he who had a crown on his head Today I see him with a begging bowl, what is this?
If I ask, your answer is
That no one can get acquainted with this secret.

you are a puzzle

These mosques, temples and taverns, some believe in this and some believe in that
All are your abodes, Dear Some believe in this and some believe in that, we are convinced of your
Oneness someone leans towards negation But You know the truth Someone believes in this and someone
believes in that

One includes me with the creation The other stays aloof from all
Both are Your devotees, Some believe in this and some believe in that

If all are the devotees of your name, Then why the conflict of your names?

You are a puzzle

You are the centre of our quest, the world of colour and scent
You manifest all the time, You are Omnipresent In Bahu’s surrounds there is only You
You are the beloved, very Handsome
You are the Glory and Honour of the Heavens
you are the gain of longings of the two worlds
you gave eyes and makes us perform ablution with the tears
Now give us a flask of your manifestation Come out of the veil before me
For a short meeting and a conversation
Naaz will tell his beads place to place, street
To street
Allah is one, He has no partner
Allahu, Allahu, Allahu......................

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Into the Darkness (original version)

Into the Darkness my fate awaits,

For the sins I brought upon this world.

No regret I have for leaving you,

No sore I take with me but one,

Not to see you for one last time,

Eternity I shall spend with it.

In theses last hours

I ask nothing of you, but forgiveness,

For the wrong I brought upon you.

For all, I am sorry, it is a last request

I ask of you, as a dying man to leave no

Hatred for you to remember.

My world has fallen apart,

And there is nothing left I can give you,

But only my words and good memories.

Do not weep a tear for me, as I have none for me.

What foolishness I have taken up,

To whom do I say these last words to?

To who will listen to them?

I ask nothing from thee

And never will but grant me one

Last wish, bring no regrets,

Bring no hatred, bring no sadness,

For my loving family, for my friends,

For this world which you created.

I have come to this world alone

And I will go from it alone.

For you who has created me,

I return back to thee.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Truth

For the world of Lies,

Where shall thee find the truth?

For the world of weak,

Where shall thee find the strength?

For the unchanging world

Where shall thee find the change?

Art thou confused?

Art thou lost?

For I speaketh the truth,

For does not thou heart not knowest.

For Art thou Deaf, Blind, Dumb?

For does not thou heart not knowest the truth.

Why have thou, hidden in the shadows,

It shall eat thy heart away and leave thy in darkness.

When thou have seen the light,

Why must thou run away from it.

Run and run, thou shall run a thousand miles,

But the truth shall follow thee.

It shall question thee, till end of worlds.

For thou knowest I speaketh, only the truth.

For thy why must thy deny it,

For thou heart knowest, For thou soul knowest,

For thou God knowest, That thou Art my Love.

For the things we love

For the things we love the most,
we let go and take on All the Pain.

The Bravest of the Brave could not bear,
But it is we who are left in end alive.

For we have not lost this battle,
But are winner of Hope.

Hope that Our love will return to us,
and Happiness will take over again.

For we do not weep the tears of pain,
but drops of sweet memory.

For Gods, we will give up,
For heavens we will sell,
For only a glimps of the One we love.

For we are not weak in our hearts
but strong enough to take death upon.

For we are not fools,
But crazy in our love.

For the things we love the most,
we let go and take on All the Pain.

For whom among you shall,
let go of love?

Where the tear do not flow

Where the tear do not flow,
where the wind does not blow,
Darkness takes hold,
and Light cannot get through,
and even the blind cannot see.

For where we have fallen,
we will be raise up once again,
from Dust to fresh.

For every soul that has forgotten will remember.
For every word that has
been fogotten will be reminded.

For All to see,
For All to believe
And never forget the ones we love.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

In to the Darkness

Into the darkness my fate awaits,

For the sins I brought upon this world.

No regret I have for leaving you,

No sore but one that I will never see you.

Nothing I ask of you, but forgiveness,

For the wrong I have committed.

As a dying man, I request but one thing

To leave no hatred in your heart to remember.

Once I dreamed of hopes,

Of love and happiness in my world.

But I never realized that

I am the sinful person who

No one can ever love

And no one can ever bring hope to.

Do forgive me, if I hoped for love

And hope it self, didn’t realize

It would a sin for my.

My God, I have asked nothing from you,

But grant me one last wish,

To have peace and love for my family,

For my love & for this world,

And in return I will give you my life.

Foolishness I have now &

Now foolishness I will do,

For you who have created me,

I return back to you.

Sorrow is the pain that runs through my heart.
Cruel is this world that has torn us apart.
Death is my destiny that I wait.

Hope is the distance from you that fades aways now.
Desire is to end all desires.
Dream is to have no more dreams.

End comes to all and all will fade.

No lips to read, No eyes to see,
No ears to hear and No hands to touch.

No ideas to think and No heart to love.

A Destiny awaits me, my love..

For Here I see
For There I see
And In All Directions I Searched
But No-where I could find
The thing I lost.

To My Heart

To have waited most of my life,
To have searched for an unknown person,
To have lost all hope and fate,
To have found you now,
My World is now complete,
And nothing more could ever replace it

I breath the Air of Relief
When I hear your Voice
The Heart and Soul are at ease
When I hear your Laughter
I am Whole with you..
without you I am incomplete..
Make me a Perfect
And I will Make you dreams be Perfect and true
Your Love has made this Heaven for me
So I dont want to Leave my Heaven ever..
Love Only You..

Without you, there is no Me
And without me, there is no you.
So why Not be With Each Other, Forever.
So there will be you and me..

Every waking hour,
The Thought of you, never leaves my side.
Every Sleeping hour,
The Dreams of you, make you my reality.

From Yesterday, To tomorrow,
Till End of Time,
This Heart will Never Stop Loving You.

You keep the Hope Alive,
You keep every beat alive,
You keep my Thoughts Alive.

You keep me,
I keep you,
We keep this world Alive.
and Our Love will have Time itself Alive,
For its Sake, It will Never die
And neither will we.

The wait
The Moment is delayed,
The Deeping of the Breathes,
The Racing of Heart beats,
For everything to be Perfect in the end.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Hope, A last Thought in this Mind.
Where everything is broken, even this heart.
The unbending love turned to dust.
Where all would fade into the Darkness.

Alone left in the world,
To wonder like drunk lovers,
who just seek ground
but to Stand upon.

Even Death did not have
the heart to take me
And Life would not let go
without a fight.

No Tears I could shed
for my shattered world,
Nor for the dead.

But Hope, upon Hope
Still a thought in this Mind.
No direction I have, Nor destination.

But You, a Stranger in this mist of it all,
Like a Light in this Darkness,
Gave me a hand to pick up this drunken fool
And to light up the dying flames of this world.

I thank you for eternity..

Monday, November 06, 2006

To My Soul

To where does my soul rest,
Upon the seventh heaven.
For so long I have waited,
To sense, to see, to touch,
The surreal beauty.

The stone have turned to dust.
No footprints left upon its planes.
Where heavens weep for the forgotten,
And winds conquer the lands,
But to whisper, from worlds to worlds,
And even the God to hear,
The tales of the living dead.

From pure, to the purist blood flow,
Give it life beyond stones,
So even it speaks the words.

Fallen from grace I became, an outcast.
Where Life would not let it be the end,
And over Time hold this world together again.

In the wilderness of this world,
I found my heart beat again,
And that is where I finally found my Soul.

Wondering Like the flies,
Lost I was for words,
Can this truly be real or
Has my imagination carried me away?

The over joy, as to make this world whole again.
Even the Angels smiled after the lost hope
In this cruel world.

Once tore from this world,
Now returned to me,
The unseen love of creation,
The madness, the obsession,
The human being.

The sealed bond you made to me.
No Shores can ever wear away,
They all ponder, to what they have not seen before.
Yet dismiss like foolishness.

To the Love, love they have seen,
The trust they have seen,
But where will they find unseen and
Unimaginative love and the trust like fools.

They will all wonder and
Then they will remember,
And remember you my soul for eternity.

For you have brought love upon this plane.
For time will stop you within its mist,
Till we all turn to dust.

They will all whisper, from worlds to worlds,
Your tales from the living dead,
And even the God will say:
“See what I created,
The unseen and unimaginative love,
The trust of fools for you my universe”.

Oh my heart,
The love, the Hope,
You brought, No world,
No God could ever forget,
For you truly will be eternal
In my soul.

Dedicated to My Love Missy

For the end of Life when it comes

Friday, April 28, 2006

Every Single day of your Life

Every Single day of your Life,
You Will Remember Me..

I Will Be in your Every Thought,
I Will be in your Blood,
I Will be in your Breath,
I Will be in your Heart.
I Will be in your Soul.

Where You shall Fall,
I Shall pick you Up,
Where you will Lose Hope,
I Will give you Hope.

Where You will Lose Love,
I Will give you Love,
Where you will be lost,
I will show you the way.

Where you will feel empty,
I will fill you up,
Where you will cry,
I will be there to wipe your Tears.

Where you will Dream,
I will become your reality.
Where you will be Hurt,
I will Heal you.

Where you will be cold,
I will be your warmth.
Where you have anger,
I will show you happiness.

Where you will be confused,
I will give you advice.
where you will frown,
I will put a smile on your face.

Where you will Lie,
I will be your truth.
Where you will cheat
I will be your honesty.

Where you will be forced,
I shall Free you.
Where you will have unjust,
I will be your justice.

Where you will grow Old,
I shall make you young.
Where you will Hate,
I will show you back to Love.

Where you will Forget,
I will remind you.
Where you will be broken,
I will fix you.

Where you will be far,
I will bring you close,
Where you will Lose,
I will make you win.

Where you will lose heart,
I will be in your Heart.
Where you will lose mind,
I will be you conscious.

Where you will be alone,
I will be beside you always.
Where you will have sorrow,
I will make you Laugh.

Where you will do wrong,
I will put right.
Where you will turn you back,
I will be alway front of you.

Where you will See this as the End,
I Will make the Beginning.
Where you will see death,
I Will give you Life.

Every Single Day of your Life,
You will Remember Me...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Blind People

To What you see,
To What you read,
To What you hear,
To What you believe,

People do Follow People,
They follow Holy Books,
They follow Holy People,
They even follow fools,
but fools do follow fools.

I am Not Lead by fools,
I only Follow The words of My Lord
and His Messenger(Peace Be Upon Him).

They Have All forgotten, in the Beginning and in the End,
Who their Lord is (The Most Bountiful),
Who created Man from a clot.
who taught by means of the pen,
and taught man what he did not know
All forgotten....

Insisted they Argue and Argue more
and Say 'Our Lord has said and we will follow it
and Our Prophet has said and we will follow it'
and the Rest of the World is Wrong
and they will go to Hell for that.

But I ask you, Who is their Lord and Who is our Lord.
For our God and your God is one, and the same,
and it is unto Him that all surrender ourselves.
All forgotten...

All forgotten for what?

For Money, For Greed,
For Pleasure, For Power, For Conquers,
For self and For Hate of others.
And then They Say 'Our Lord has said and we will follow it
and Our Prophet has said and we will follow it'

Do you read, what has been written?
Do you use your Intellegence?
Do you question your Lord?
Do you question your Prophet?
They Reply 'No, It has been written and No questions asked'.

I Question my Lord:
'O Lord, The most Bountiful and Master of the Universes,
For is this the Humanity you created this World for,
For is this the Humanity you believe in, but who follow falsehood,
they read but do Not Understand, they have knowledge but do not use.
For is this the Humanity you created out of Love, who itself
does not have love, but any love, they turn it to hatred.
For is this the Humanity you keep Hope in, which Hope
they torn into peaces...
I Know I dont fully Understand you my Lord..
after all I am no more than a human'

But then they say 'Our Lord has said and we will follow it
and Our Prophet has said and we will follow it'
How Dare you, use the words of our Lord.
How Dare you claim falsehood to our Lord
and use His Messenger(PBUH) to claim falsehood.
To what Knowledge do you have, to what knowledge do you
Hold, NONE, you read and read, but did not Understand.
Why because you do not believe..

Who are more evil than those who are reminded of their
Lord's proofs, then disregard them, without realizing
what they are doing. Consequently, we place shields on
their hearts to prevent them from understanding it (the
Quran), and deafness in their ears. Thus, no matter what
you do to guide them, they can never ever be guided.

O Lord, show these Blind People the way,
who dont see, that even a Blind Man can see,
Who know not the truth or falsehood,
who are misguided and lead..
Who simple believe what they are told to Believe,
who do not question, and who can not understand.
For the Words of Our Lords are the Truth.
And the Truth shall sent you Free...

O Lord, show me the way, for I have sin,
and for I have left your kingdom,
I have done wrong upon thee and others,
I ask for Mercy and Forgiveness,
I ask you to show me Love and give me Hope,
For I have forsaken your Kingdom,
I desire No Heaven or an after life,
For I desire a hint of Love in this world,
So I can Open these Peoples Eyes,
and Show them our Lords way.

I will NOT follow or Lead them.
May Allah Show you the Right Path.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

For Dreams

For Dreams are made from
those goodness in your heart
and nigthmare from those fears in your heart.

Follow your dreams for a better life and future,
If you follow your fears they will break you apart.

Keep Love in your Heart and in your Thoughts,
For the God who has created us with so much Love,
Want us to stay together and Not Torn apart.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

To My Dearest

Beyond these Words There is such a Man
Who Love you unconditionaly.
For whom he truth and believes so
much, although unseen like his faith,
he Believe in you and God.

He isnt the brightest star in the Sky,
Nor is his shine like the rest.
but rather He is like the Beast,
in the beauty and the Beast.

He dont have hair to wave around,
nor the height to stand up tall.
But he still praise Allah
for he whom has given him this Life
and made in him such a way.

He is not Perfect, Yet one thing is True,
that he loves you, and he always will be true.
And oneday he will prove that to you,
Beyond these words is such a man,
All he need is one chance from you.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

To have lost my way around,
bring me back into you wisdom,
to the sweetness of you voice,
and laughter, which I desire.

To your jokes and unseen smile.
So I may have such a warm feeling,
That my heart is safe with you,
As you thoughts are safe with me.

And one day.. soon I hope
that the unseen with be seen,
and my truth and your believe
to be one and I hope you
will see you smile that day again.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

All this Love, disappear in a blink of an eyes,
All the promises, made broken.
All the dreams, went Unfulfilled,
All the Hope, Gone away,
All the Happiness blown away.

Nothing left but tears to weep,
Nothing left but time to waste,
Nothing left but emptiness.
Nothing left but darkness.
Nothing left, so why I am?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

To Die tonight would be a crime,
because I would be leaving an angel behind.
To Heavens I pray to
For this Happiness to never die.

This world is cruel for both of us,
But we stand together till end of this Dust*
Not let fear of other go by
so we will never have to say goodbye

I will love you till my bones crack
and even after my teeth fall out.
So to die tonight would be a crime
because I would be leaving you behind.

I can never do that to you.

Dedicated to my Love Missy

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Found You

Let me be lost in this mist, the fog and
the dark grey sky above. I stand alone at the peak,
to hear the peace down below. Just maybe,
Your Voice I could hear, to break the silent world.
My eyes have grown tied, searching for you
among the stars and down on earth.
So many faces I have seen and
So many colours filled the days,
Yet you were nowhere to be found.
You are unique to me and not found among them.
Tell me, where can I find this strange girl,
who justed walked into my life by saying
"I really love you, I hope you dont mind".

You are a Mystery to me, A unknown visitor.
At first glance I thought you where not real,
but once you shook this heart,
it started beating again and made my mind so confused.
That I am Lost in you, that even I dont know
who I am anymore and who you are to me, but my Love.

As this time is passing by, I only have one question,
when will I ever seen your face,
not found in heaven nor on this earth before,
my eyes still wait to see your hidden beauty.
This life is so short lived that we
only get a glimpse of reality.

I Hope that simple dreams become reality.

Dedicated to my Love Missy

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

About you

A wonderful dream, you are.
Which no word could ever describe,
But a dream I would never want to wake from.

You are unseen beauty and
Unheard of upon this world.
A mystery to which one day
I would love to solve.

Your voice, so smooth and soft
Eternity I can spend just listening to you.
The world should be silence just
To hear you breath.

Your laughter breaths air for this
Soul and gives hope to torn worlds,
Like the sun beams shinning on
This earth after a storm
To restore peace and joy.

Your tears give pain to this heart,
And make the heavens weep their tears.
I pray no hurt ever comes to you,
You’re the shinning star that keeps
My world at peace.

Your love, is just not love,
But it is the purest form,
So true and so warm,
Hidden in your heart
Like the earths core.

For all those who seek you,
Seek pleasure and lust,
But I found your beating heart,
And joy which the world only dreams of.

To what you mostly are
But only human upon this world.
No different from the rest but only one,
That you are my Missy and for that
The world can wait in line because
You are my world.
Dedicated to my Love Missy

Friday, October 28, 2005

Eternality for you

For every breath I take,
You are like the blood rushing
Through my veins, and to the heart
Which it goes, I breathe to live once more.

You were like the light breeze on a
Summer night that blew me of my feet
And into the world of Dreams,

Me like the lost Ark, which seeks the
Shore, it may well be deserted at sea
With out your shine.

The happy sorrow that I have swallowed,
If you turn away, it will turn me bitter.

I miss you, For every moment of My Life
Like every Breath I breathe to live once more
but without you Why breathe this Air?

I love you more then love itself,
so pure and so true that love must prove itself.
And Eternality I can spend in Your Love
Till End of Existence, till nothing remains,
No Worlds, No Universe, No Galaxies,
But only our Love remains.........

I shall Never Leave you and Never Betray you,
Because you are my Heart and without it
I shall die. Never Leave me, Never Betray me.

To find that moment of peace in this life,
Until you can along, with a innocent smile
That I found an unknown happiness in me.

Once to lose all and even that bit of hope,
If you will hold this hand until strands of time
Stand, I shall never die in your thoughts

Nor shall you in mine.

Dedicated To My Love Missy

One Thing

In my life I wanted a thing which
I could not have. I ruined my life over
It and ruined other people as well.

For one thing that I love more than
Life itself. Which I have no hope
Of getting, ruined my life forever.

My heart shatter with tears as I could
No get the thing I love.

I tried every trick, but it was walking
Through A brick (wall).

I then ruined people by fighting
And argue over that one thing.
Which I could not get.

I felt bad about it that night, that I just
Wanted to kill myself, so I will
Forget about that one thing,

That I really loved.


If I fall, pick me up,
If I cry, shut my eyes,
Hold me, I can’t bear, disbelief.
I close my eyes, wishing, it could be a dream.

I have lost my faith in everything as I have lost everything.
People have shed only a few tears,
But I filled an Ocean full. But most of all, they shed
More wine in their glasses,

They are moaners for that one-day, the next
Something else. But I stay the same and cry,
To wash my pain or the sins,
Which showed me this day.

I can’t even breathe cold the air from the full moon,
But who will heal my wounds?
I needed no sympathies from false words
From false faces, which tore up the dead.

My eyes have dried out, darkness fills the
Emptiness of this room, my eyes wide open
As I lay, but I can’t sense the bright light,
Only a flickering candle dying out.

Mud Face

Return the pure soil, which taste so sweet to fill
My memories. Faces covered in filth, like dark
Demons in daylight. Playing with earth or sand
And build a whole new world of imaginations.

The sand and stones have moved away or blown
Away from the face of the earth. Where I stand now,
My feet don’t fit. Has the place changed or have
I grown out of this place.

I can hear the crickets singing the night song,
Floating over the sky and stars shining to its every
Beat, even the moon showed it’s half-face to listen
In. But I can’t hear anything more now, am I gone deaf
Or the crickets can’t sing anymore, either was the
Magic died away.

Drops of rain fell for the first time, in a lifetime,
We ran out to feel the gentle tears of clouds
Against our cheeks and even dancing in the rain
For a life’s joy. We build boats to sail into the
Muddy ocean, all blown away. Now they all
Stand in shelter, fearing that they might get a cold.

Look, I see someone, over there, with words of
Wisdom and tales told, before my eyes would drown
Into the night behold. But I don’t see anyone here
Anymore, only to hear a child cry, to break his

Nothing, nothing left here, the end has come.
Yet I see a child about one and half,
Hands and face covered in mud and eating a stone.
Perhaps, the past is still young, with
The sun shining on its mud face.

Mind to read.

It is not alone me that wonders,
How does the mind works?
The pain, the touch are minor things,
For scientist finding the cerebrum and
Electric nerves, yet are not enough for me.

What we see through the eyes of the soul
And dream of falling down a black hole,
No stop till we wake and see that
We lay in bed, that is what I want to know.

The emotions we feel, not only in the mind
But also in the heart, why? The love, the passion or
Desires and obsessions, the hatred we may have,
May all be nothing at all.

Yet it is not all in the mind that makes
Us go tick. As a key is needed to work
A clock, but when time stops, so do
Stop ticking too? And I just wonder,
Who has that key?

I alone could not have come up
With such words, which only appeared for that
One second and disappeared forever.
With all my knowledge and all my work,
I could never tell you,How does this mind works?

I Dont Know

Don’t know
When this…
What magic, happened?
From a poem
Made a poet,
Neither the thoughts knows,
Nor the heart knows,
Why this, my love
Was made for you.
Words wonder like the flies,
Or the stars above us,
Which do twinkle and spark,
To shine the hidden world,
From you which I hide.
To show my art, I created,
A new world for only you.
To be in this minds depth
And to lose all your conscious,
To feel this heart beat, its
Last breathe for you, I create.

Hit By a Falling Star

It was… not a night or a day like today,
But when this new world was at peace and
Only the cruel winds made me unease,
I found you.

I don’t know you, and no reason I can give,
Why I found you, why you?
All I know is when you first appeared
Something incredible I felt, something out of this world,
And out of this mind, which you could not
Imagine and think.

It was not love but something beyond it,
Beyond desires and obsessions. Even this soul
Wanted to leave me, just to touch you.
My thoughts became so lost in you that
I still don’t know why, why for only you?

Yet all this is the bitter reality
and are not some words to impress you.
All hidden in this closed mind.
You fear it like the unknown, but don’t
I fear it too.

I don’t know what came over me,
When you appeared, my breath froze
As if time had stopped to your
Footsteps and words lost for a moment,
As if I were hit by a falling star.

You were bright as the North Star in me,
You restored my faith and found
These poetic words in this heart.
Yet, I can’t even repay you for this,
Even this life would be meaningless to you.

I know what my fate will be, but you,
I don’t know, yet I know that one
Day when you awake, you’ll find
That you are Nowhere and this world,
This life and time itself will be meaningless.
I will find you again.