Mushy's Poems

Monday, January 14, 2008


Sink Deep,

Sink so deep in my Breath that you become my Oxygen.

Sink so deep in my Heart that you become my Blood.

Sink so deep in my Mind that you become my Thought.

Sink so deep in my Eyes that you become my Sight.

Sink so deep in my Body that you become my Soul.

Sink so deep in my Words that you become my Poetry.

Sink so deep in my Dreams that you become my Reality.

Sink so deep in my World that you become my Universe.

Sink so deep in my Feeling that you become my Love.

Sink so deep in me that we become One.

*Sink means: to become engulfed or to be deeply absorbed

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Men Always try to be more Manly.
They fight the weak,
They fight the women,
As they have Authority of Some God?

They want Paradise,
They want virgins,
The Lust, the wine as Promised from Some God?

The Weak, Why are you blinded by your Faith?
How much more Abuse will you take?

Be true to yourself and true to your Heart.
Fight back the wicked Man, for he is not a God.

Do not call me

Do not call me a Martyr.
Do not call me a Kafir.
If I dont die in the name of my love.
Do not call me anything at all.