Friday, April 21, 2006

Blind People

To What you see,
To What you read,
To What you hear,
To What you believe,

People do Follow People,
They follow Holy Books,
They follow Holy People,
They even follow fools,
but fools do follow fools.

I am Not Lead by fools,
I only Follow The words of My Lord
and His Messenger(Peace Be Upon Him).

They Have All forgotten, in the Beginning and in the End,
Who their Lord is (The Most Bountiful),
Who created Man from a clot.
who taught by means of the pen,
and taught man what he did not know
All forgotten....

Insisted they Argue and Argue more
and Say 'Our Lord has said and we will follow it
and Our Prophet has said and we will follow it'
and the Rest of the World is Wrong
and they will go to Hell for that.

But I ask you, Who is their Lord and Who is our Lord.
For our God and your God is one, and the same,
and it is unto Him that all surrender ourselves.
All forgotten...

All forgotten for what?

For Money, For Greed,
For Pleasure, For Power, For Conquers,
For self and For Hate of others.
And then They Say 'Our Lord has said and we will follow it
and Our Prophet has said and we will follow it'

Do you read, what has been written?
Do you use your Intellegence?
Do you question your Lord?
Do you question your Prophet?
They Reply 'No, It has been written and No questions asked'.

I Question my Lord:
'O Lord, The most Bountiful and Master of the Universes,
For is this the Humanity you created this World for,
For is this the Humanity you believe in, but who follow falsehood,
they read but do Not Understand, they have knowledge but do not use.
For is this the Humanity you created out of Love, who itself
does not have love, but any love, they turn it to hatred.
For is this the Humanity you keep Hope in, which Hope
they torn into peaces...
I Know I dont fully Understand you my Lord..
after all I am no more than a human'

But then they say 'Our Lord has said and we will follow it
and Our Prophet has said and we will follow it'
How Dare you, use the words of our Lord.
How Dare you claim falsehood to our Lord
and use His Messenger(PBUH) to claim falsehood.
To what Knowledge do you have, to what knowledge do you
Hold, NONE, you read and read, but did not Understand.
Why because you do not believe..

Who are more evil than those who are reminded of their
Lord's proofs, then disregard them, without realizing
what they are doing. Consequently, we place shields on
their hearts to prevent them from understanding it (the
Quran), and deafness in their ears. Thus, no matter what
you do to guide them, they can never ever be guided.

O Lord, show these Blind People the way,
who dont see, that even a Blind Man can see,
Who know not the truth or falsehood,
who are misguided and lead..
Who simple believe what they are told to Believe,
who do not question, and who can not understand.
For the Words of Our Lords are the Truth.
And the Truth shall sent you Free...

O Lord, show me the way, for I have sin,
and for I have left your kingdom,
I have done wrong upon thee and others,
I ask for Mercy and Forgiveness,
I ask you to show me Love and give me Hope,
For I have forsaken your Kingdom,
I desire No Heaven or an after life,
For I desire a hint of Love in this world,
So I can Open these Peoples Eyes,
and Show them our Lords way.

I will NOT follow or Lead them.
May Allah Show you the Right Path.


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